Woke up late with a headache. I begin to see a pattern forming. We met Dustin's best ladyfriend Julie at Zoologischer Garten station. At first I thought she was shy but she's really vivacious; it just took some time for her to acclimate to speaking with me in English, and she's quite good at it. Dustin & Julie used me as an excuse to explore the most turistic parts of their city. Here's Julie in the Beateuhse sex shop:

(Show photo of the sex shop (Beateuhse) w/ Julie)

Later in the night we met up with Richie and ventured to the Bar Der Visionare ("The Bar of the Visionary" - guaya, ya?). Julie drove - stick shifting like something out of the Bourne identity in her tiny little car. This place is a beach bar (sand-filled areas, tiki torches, right by the river) and has the best Long Island Iced Teas I've ever had. Really, I think that's the test of a bar tender: LIITs that taste like delicious iced tea and not some horrid coke nightmare, but still knock you out sip by sip. Met some Americans there - Chris and Suzy. It's great how you meet Americans (/Australians/Canadians) just by speaking English somewhere. They left with us, and then we got lost on the way to the car (somehow) and went dancing at some random 80's bar because Dustin saw a tall girl with nice legs inside. Getting lost turned out to be great (it usually does) after dancing to (examples of music?). Lots more drinking from Dustin & me (Julie was driving) and a really great night out. Eventually we got to Dustin's around 5am, chatted for a while, and fell asleep.